The clinic for podiatry near Svanemøllen station has been in existence since 1987.
We are state-authorized podiatrists, and we specialize in feet and legs. The state authorization is your guarantee that the podiatrist has a recognized education. It also guarantees the quality of the treatment.
Read more about what a state-authorized podiatrist guarantees you here.
We have agreements with the municipalities, and our treatments are eligible for reimbursement through Sygeforsikring Danmark. Groups 1 and 2 provide subsidies for each treatment. The invoice is transferred electronically.
Read more about what we offer subsidies for here.
We issue gift cards.
NB! Please note that dogs and other pets are not allowed in the clinic out of consideration for other customers and allergies.
Klinik Svanefod
Sibeliusgade 3B
2100 København Ø